I will do my best to get pictures up as well. And then whatever else I get to, I'll post.
I may not be coming from L.A. smog (as the Jimmy Buffet song goes) but having been in the heat of the desert for long enough, I was very happy to spend even several hours on a plane as I headed home to Dave. I had a very nice sleep at Joel & Jill’s Sunday night but to my surprise woke up as Joel got ready to head over to the school to meet up w/Barb Mellema. They have known each other for a long time and decided to ride Joel & Jill’s tandem on Monday so that Joel could get some riding in. He & Jill intended to ride when they first heard about the tour but you know how plans can change in a heartbeat. So, as parents to 3 month old Adrian – they opened their home up to the bikers to share their hospitality. I feel blessed to be the person who was able to stay with them. Anyway – Joel awoke at about 5 as he wanted to get to the school by 6, which was when Barb & the early birds planned on leaving. I heard him go down stairs and joined him for breakfast. Perhaps it was the force habit that got me up that early or perhaps it was the anticipation I felt about seeing Dave later that night. Probably a bit of both. After eating I returned to “my” comfortable bed and went back to sleep for about an hour or so. After Jill had her shower, I took mine and she drove me back to the Denver Christian school – not too far from their house. People were surprised to see me around still but I had things to repack (got most everything in the backpack and sent some stuff home via UPS – thanks crew).
Scenes from Denver Christian School
(Picture above) Betsy - "Clara Barton" (one of our 2 nurses) & SAG driver.
(Picture below) - Billy "D" - with the BIKE. You have to have connections to ride with him.
Geri & Renata - "Kitchen Ladies" Martin (driver) & Alida (another Clara Barton) from Goshen NY - yay NY
Erinn Swett drove me & Jenn’s sister (Kim) to DIA. And here’s where things get weird. Ok – not things – me! I was able to check-in very quickly and got on the line to be checked over and cleared before boarding. Well, that didn’t go as smoothly. I had forgotten about security regulations so I put several large bottles in my carry-on bag. 2 of them were shampoo & conditioner that dear new friend Jess had sent (rather pricey but supposed to be good for hair – recommended by my sister Helen who is a great hair stylist). Also had my bag balm, toothpaste and after sun bottles in the bag. So, they took me aside and the guy who goes through everything told me I couldn’t bring the items on the plane w/me. Well, guess who got all teary eyed? I know it is ridiculous but I explained to him I had just been on this 1500 mile bike ride working to end the cycle of poverty and my friend had spent money on these things and I could not bring myself to throw them out – as it was too wasteful. He tried to be understanding – did a good job too – but told me that airline policy had to be followed. He then gave me a pass to get back on line w/out waiting and had me return to the ticket agent for the airline – USAIR – here is your plug. Your employees were helpful and understanding – very helpful given the circumstances. I explained to the ticket agent what my concern was – and that I wasn’t trying to give her a hard time – it’s just that I was involved in this major effort and did not want to be wasteful. She told me she would help as best as she could but it was like her first week on the job. Poor thing. And then she went and found a small box and had me box my “precious” possessions up and w/out charging – sent them to the plane. I had already checked the back-pack so I couldn’t put them in that. God love her – she must have thought I was crazy. I did leave our C2C card with her though and maybe if she checks out our site she will understand at least a little bit why I was having issues w/the situation.
Anyway – I was able to board the flight for Charlotte, (connecting flight) and I read all my trashy magazines, which I hadn’t been able to do during the ride and before too long we were heading into the Charlotte airport. (Before boarding I also handed out 2 other cards to a couple of guys on the shuttle from the airport to the gate – I hope they check the site too – they seemed interested).
I got to Charlotte about 5:30 eastern time and had plenty of time to get to the gate and get something to eat. We left Charlotte – EARLY – arriving in Newark, NJ at about 8 p.m. By the time I got my backpack it was 8:30. I did give my seatmate a card and we spent some time talking about the tour. He was wearing a T-shirt that said “They told me there would be no math” or something like that. I decided I will make up a shirt for myself that says: ”They told me it was all downhill from here” & on the back “HAH!”
I looked for Dave but sadly it took him until 10:30 p.m. to get to the airport. There is a lot of construction on the NY Thruway and he also took a couple of wrong turns. But they weren’t the last ones of the day. My brother Rick & his wife Peg, live about 20 minutes from the airport. It took us about an hour to get there thanks to the fact that Dave was tired, I wasn’t paying attention to where we were going and it was just one of those things. We got to the house at 11:30 where Rick had a great dinner waiting for us – chicken and rosemary & sage!! (So Liz M., this was my first at home meal – and I didn’t even have to prepare it.) I was super hungry at that point so the sage didn’t affect me – but glad it was on a chicken and not a bush in the desert.
After a great meal of this slow baked chicken, noodles, biscuits and wine – we all went to sleep. I did not regret this choice then or now.
TUESDAY July 29 – NJ
We woke up Tuesday morning and it was hot. And humid. But guess what?I don’t mind humidity at the moment. It makes me feel less parched and dry – even if the heat still bothers me. Dave & I got coffee from the Quick Chek down the street, along w/the papers and walked back to the house. It was relaxing to just sit, drink and read. After that – we went looking for a nursery to buy a plant for Rick & Peg as we wanted to thank them and it was their anniversary in July.We almost got lost again but after taking a couple of right turns – we found a place and got them something nice. Then we - and Schnapps – our dog (Dave bought her along) went to have breakfast/lunch w/Justin. He doesn’t live far from where we were and we got him up and went to a diner. Turns out he had a fender bender last week – not bothering to tell anyone. Thankfully there isn’t too much damage and the other driver admits seeing Justin but still turned into him.
The view behind our house -
Another one of the girls.
Woke up fairly early Wed and then lounged around. My bike isn’t back yet so I had to figure something out so I can maintain my fitness level. Such as it is. But first Dave & I sat on our front steps and had breakfast. It’s a favorite activity. It took me about 4 hours to actually get into street clothes as I was enjoying just lounging around. Although I wasn’t just lounging - I did a load of clothes, went through paperwork, and worked outside. I can’t believe I had the energy to do all these things but I did. And then I got into my biking clothes and Dave drove me over to a bike place in Copake Falls, NJ (Bash Bish Bicycle) and I rented a bike for a couple of hours. I rode into MA. going almost straight uphill all the way. And there was no one to push. I did have to get off a couple of times as the grade was pretty steep. I met a couple just coming back from their hike to Bash Bish Falls and they asked me about my ride. I told them I am trying to maintain my strength & endurance for the tour as I still intend – God willing – to return. They were really interested and this lovely woman who never spoke w/me before in our lives told me she was proud of me for my undertaking. Of course you know I got teary eyed then but I have to confess that these affirmations are healing and a sure sign I am doing my best to be faithful. She & her husband told me about a bike trip they had taken and their mileage (on the low side) and they thought that what we are doing on this tour is just wonderful. I continued on my ride and after coming back down this huge incline – spent a little while longer riding on a local rail trail. Hope to do more of that even after the tour. Dave had not gotten back to pick me up so I started walking in the direction I knew he’d be coming. The walking was relaxing and it was funny as I realized I was still in my biking gear but didn’t give a hoot. (Only because we have our share of people who might think walking around in biking gear is weird. On the other hand – everyone has their own idiosyncrosies so it's best to live & let live.)
THURSDAY July 31 –
The Thursday morning bible study - Meeting at Pat & Mayrose's home in Catskill, NY.
Dave, Eileen & John K. They've known each other since Dave was in h.s. - many moons ago.
Breakfast on the steps again – and after weeding the pumpkin patch – we head off to Bible Study in Catskill. This is a group that has met for about 30 years – w/3 people in all that time leading the study. Dave is the 3rd pastor that they have had. They have met in people’s homes and church buildings throughout that time. And this group of people is definitely a group who understand that the church is not the building. We come from different faith traditions, backgrounds and experiences but we all come together to seek God’s purpose for our lives through discussion and study of the scriptures. People come and go –sometimes to return – sometimes not –but it doesn’t matter. Our love for God and one another keep us connected. After the study – in which I did ask for prayer for everyone connected to the tour – including our injured peacemakers – we went out to lunch in Athens at a place called Ursula’s. Great food – great view of the Hudson – and great time being w/friends. They are happy to see me back home but also know I am looking forward to riding again.
It started pouring as we left the restaurant and I wondered what it would have been like had I had to bike in that kind of downpour. I think that would be the time to find a café and sit until the rain stopped – relaxing or reflecting upon life’s experiences. By the time we got home I felt thoroughly exhausted. I had kind of fallen asleep during the study at one point but did wake up to read a bit. Now, I just wanted to get into my bed and sleep for as long as possible. I did get to sleep for about ½ hour and then Dave woke me to go to VBS w/him. They had a smaller turnout this year than hoped for but the kids that are there seemed to be having a great time. The church provides a bar-b-cue dinner – every night before the night’s events so that is a welcome treat for all. Mainly hamburgers – chips – hot dogs and a drink but it’s a time for people to gather at the end of a day and just touch base. The teachers are wonderful –and Bonnie & Andrea and everyone else are all there to see that the kids hear of God’s love and how they are also called to love one another. Pastor Mark (local Lutheran pastor w/3 congregations and now supervising a 4th) asked me if I’d like to preach Sunday. Duh! Yep! So, I will be sharing “our” (the tour’s) story with another family of faith.
Got home about 9 p.m. and did some computer stuff and tried to exercise for a bit. I know it’s not good to do that before bedtime but it was the only time I had so, better to do it than not. Slept well anyway – but still getting used to the roosters waking us up at 5:30 a.m. No barking dogs or trains anymore – just crazy old roosters who still sound like teenage boys going through puberty.
FRIDAY – August 1
Up early & then back to sleep. Up at 9 to have breakfast and get ready for the rest of the day. Helped my b’inlaw out by driving him up to his tractors in a field up the road where he was baling hay. In just a little while, I will be going to speak w/Pastor Mark (a terrific friend) and then heading over to rent a bike again to get some road time in. After that – I will probably head back to VBS w/Dave for their closing night. He also has a wedding rehearsal for a wedding tomorrow. I am really looking forward to going out dancing w/Dave. It’s a favorite activity.
Friday afternoon – drive to Copake Falls and rent a bike to ride again.
This time, the bike refuses to go back up the big hill. Seriously – I was headed that way but when we got to the fork in the road – we took it. Really. The bike went right – toward the Copake Iron Works plant and another part of Taconic St. Park. We continued on the road way and before too long I was back on the bike path. I followed that for as long as possible then the path ended but continued on the road. The road is Undermountain Road and I’ve never been on it before. That continues on for about 2 or 3 miles and then runs into County Rt 63. I’ve never been on that road either and I ride for about an hour. It is a very quiet country road – and the scenery of the valley and nearby mountains (Taconics) is as gorgeous as anything I saw earlier this summer. I just keep pedaling and discover that there aren’t too many cross roads so at some point I am going to have to turn around to get back to the bike shop. Don’t want to ride more than 2 hours as costs keep increasing more than expected - but it’s worth it in that I am going to keep somewhat in shape and I am riding in a really gorgeous place. I eventually turn around – hate to retrace my steps but that’s the only direct way back. When I get back, there is someone speaking with the bike shop owner and it turns out she is the pres. of local Chamber of Commerce. I speak to her about doing a presentation on the trip at some point and she invites me to participate in Copake Days – coming up on Aug. 23. I will have to call her because at this point I’m not sure when I’m returning to the trip but I’m pretty sure I won’t be around. Maybe I can get Dave or someone else to participate.On my way home, I stop at a newly opened organic food store. It used to be a restaurant that a lot of locals ate at, and Dave & I also enjoyed coming to as well.I want to support local businesses so I will get at least something to drink. I do that and continue home. At home I get something to eat and ditz around. Dave gets home from VBS – the final night, we hang out and then go to sleep.
Rachel & I were to meet this morning at Olana – to do some spiritual work. Unfortunately – the truck runs out of gas – half-way there and Dave has to come rescue me. He brings the fuel and I head over to Olana. Rach was still there fortunately and we spent about 3 hours just talking about spiritual matters, what direction I sense I am being guided in. Rachel has been trained in shaman work and after talking – decides that the otter is the animal which I connect with. They are playful – like water but are also connected to the earth. That is pretty much how I connect to nature. I love water – but I also love to nest – and feel grounded – not in the sense of not enjoying flights of fancy but of wanting to feel connected to a place. We discuss the things that nature has to teach us and the setting that we are in – (Olana is the home that Frederic Church, one of the Hudson River painters built for his beloved wife, just south of Hudson NY) is the perfect backdrop for this discussion. The sky is immense and the clouds fill it up. Finally we decide we are hungry and Rachel – true guardian angel that she is offers to take me to breakfast/brunch. We head into Hudson although I make sure to stop at the nearest gas station so there are no more surprises. We go to Nolita’s, neat little café on Warren St. and have specialty sodas and share the specialty sandwiches. Before we finish, the rain is drowning the streets of Hudson and we go our separate ways. I stop at our local Salvation Army to find some shorts and maybe a dress to wear to the wedding. No dress but did find 2 white shirts and a skort. Was only going to by 1 shirt but all 3 items were on sale and one of them had a tag in it – saying “Joanna”. Of course I had to get that.
August 2, 2008 n- reception at Anthony's - Catskill, NY
We eventually had to leave as both of us had to preach the next day. Dave with his congregations and I had at a local Lutheran church currently w/out a pastor.
MONDAY – August 4
It was a really good place to go to. I went right in and felt that the doctor provided excellent care. He also said I had EXCELLENT vitals. He said he wished his were that good. Man, I’ve never heard that before. Of course I told him what I had been up to and he thought it was really great. Sadly, not great enough to make a contribution. I don’t know what it is – but when I read about the other bikers who go into grocery stores or wherever and walk out w/a donation – I’m like, “what’s up with that?” But I still won’t push or prod.
So, Dave & I get back in the car, head up to North Lake, settle our stuff near a family with a real cutie kid and try to get some sleep. Sun goes in. There goes trying to get even, all-over tan lines. Wind whips up. Spray from lake cools us off even more. People start to leave. After about 45 minutes, the lifeguard tells the kids in the lake that he’s closing up in 10 minutes. Sky is ominous. Wind is really blowing. 2 women head toward the beach from the parking lot and one says to the other – “he can’t go in, he’ll catch pneumonia.” I tell her the beach is closing in now 5 minutes and the 2 of them look extremely relieved as they turn back toward their car.
Dave & I get into our car and head out to take a drive. He decides that we need to go to the Old Stone Fort in Schoharie as he has wanted to see that for some time. That’s where another Palatine settlement was and of course he’s interested in that. It’s not exactly around the corner but we don’t mind driving and we stopped at a park & falls we’ve never seen before. I couldn’t help but think of Tyler and Clare as we saw the rock formations.
It took another 45 minutes to get to the fort and of course it was closed but I noticed that s discussion on Palatine genealogy was schedule for Thursday night at 7:30. I didn’t know if I’d be up to the drive back, but Dave said he thought he might come back. We headed home and fortunately found a more direct route so it only took a little over an hour to get home. The days are going by so quickly –
I’ve decided I want to get back to the tour a.s.a.p. I decide to use Priceline as funds are a bit sketchy. So, I put in the lowest price I can & it’s not accepted. My plan is to get to Grand Rapids and see if I can stay w/anyone until the tour arrives. People have been pretty helpful & supportive so I am not really worried that things won’t work out. I end up having to play around w/schedule changes, different times, and increasing the amount. Finally – pay dirt. I get my price and am booked for GR. For Tuesday –Aug 12. That’s kind of early in the week but it’s the best I could do. So, then I contacted Dave Dethmers and others to see if there will be someone who can put me up for a few days. After some back & forth email – Dave points out that the tour will be based about 45 minutes from Chicago’s O’Hare airport and even though I can’t change the schedule, I could just get off there and get a ride to the site. So now I put out another request – can anyone drive me to Paolos Heights Tuesday night? We’ll find out.
TUESDAY – August 5Woke up today – still feeling sick but my jaw hurts really badly. I decided to call the dentist’s office thinking that maybe it was my tooth/teeth that were making me feel so bad. Good thing? I did. Turns out I need a root canal. That’s scheduled for Thursday at 6:30. Now I definitely know I’m not going to the genealogy lecture. Before that however, we took Emily to soccer camp at Taconic HS. And then Dave & I went biking on the HVRail Trail. That was great – went the same route I took Friday. We didn’t get quite as far however. Especially since I got to hear – for the 1st time this summer a tire blowing out. Dave’s. It actually did sound like a shot gun.
He got off the bike and I headed back to the park, where we parked and got the car. I wasn’t really sure about what road to take to get to where he was but I headed in that direction and found him. It took about 45 minutes, not too bad. (Note: while headed back on the trail, someone said that there was a timber rattler on the path. I just thanked him and kept on going. After passing through all the places where rattlers were pretty common, having seen enough dead ones on the road, I wasn’t going to let this one bother me. It was gone anyway by the time I rode through).
So, I picked Dave up and we headed back to get Emily at soccer camp. He noted he had left the bike under a tree and kept walking up & down the road as people were beginning to look at him as if he were some type of vagrant. I think he might have been imagining that but at least it was a nice day.
I had been able to get a dentist appt. for 2: p.m. so after lunch I headed off to see what if anything he could tell me. Didn’t like what he had to say. It had been noted in my charts that I would probably need a root canal at some point and it turned out I did. Because of my wanting to return to the tour and his vacation schedule, an appt. was set up for Thursday night @ 6:30 p.m. This is when Dave was going to head over for the genealogy talk but I figured I’d be ok. And then we discovered that my insurance doesn’t cover anything more than a yearly cleaning. Real helpful – not! So, at home, Dave & I tried to figure out what I was going to do – but I had to have the work done. This has been giving me trouble for a couple of years now and I didn’t want to be on the road with it getting worse. Ok – so what to do? This is turning into an expensive summer – not that it isn’t all for a good cause – a couple of good causes but I’m not sure what the next step should be. We’ll find out.
WEDNESDAY – August 6
First thing this morning I have to call the dentist office and speak w/someone about how I will pay for the root canal. Apparently there is the option of applying for credit for health care bills. It is interest free but you don’t want to miss or be late w/a payment as the interest will jump dramatically. Don’t need that. Also – I’m hearing from different people that root canals aren’t always the best option. So, being the kind who likes to hear what others think – no, really, I do – I put out an email asking for prayers and for people to tell me what they thought about root canal v. extraction. It was amazing the response that generated. Ultimately, it seems that like so many other things in life – the results depend upon the individual. Some people felt it was well worth the time for their health to have a root canal – others felt that an extraction made more sense in the long run. I decided to go with the “save the tooth” camp and went ahead with applying for the credit. I was approved for enough to have the procedure – but not sure there will be enough for the post & crown which is the next phase. I guess we’ll deal with that when the time comes. I need this work done. One of my friends who has just gone through her own health ordeal – (Please keep EJ in prayer) included in her response her disgust with our health care system. So nothing new. It’s a travesty that the system is so faulty and there seems to be no one really willing to do the work to fix it. Dave & I are not in the category of the poverty stricken but all someone needs is one major catastrophe to hit and it can move them from doing well or well enough to struggling to make ends meet. This is part of the purpose of the bike tour; ending the CYCLE – the causes which keep people in need. Dire need.
So, arrangements are made & I will have the work done on Thursday.
The doctor did say I’d be feeling better by Friday which was good as Friday was our 10th anniversary. There is much to celebrate. (Thanks for the reminder Jake P., see you in GR).
At noon we headed to Germantown so Dave could do some office work and then we both went to our monthly meeting of P.A.M – Palatine Area Ministries. It’s a group of local pastors and church members (who are all invited to participate but only 1 or 2 come during the year) who meet to socialize, work out event scheduling and discuss issues related to ministry. That always makes for a good conversation. Only 4 of us showed up at our regular spot - Palatine Pizza – but we had a good conversation. I brought the bike I was borrowing from my sister-in-law to ride home. Have to keep up the training. This bike is about 10 years old and ORANGE. I call it the Orange Blossom Special. Matt & Marny bought themselves bikes 10 years ago but never used them. OB needed some work but it wasn’t too bad riding her around town. I rode home and realized that it was a hot day and my hands decided to do the tingling thing and I still didn’t like encountering any incline on the way but even though OB is only a 10 speed – she did well at getting me home. Still took almost 2 hours to go 18 miles. That’s not much of an improvement in speed but at least I know what I’m doing now on a bike. Got home and we prepared dinner of steak, corn, Dave’s summer squash casserole and what not. Matt, (Dave’s brother, ) Marny and their girls, Emily & Ashley came over. We had dinner on the porch outside – pretty much everyone’s favorite place to eat & gather. They stayed until about 9. I was still feeling really tired so I went to sleep not too much later.
THURSDAY – August 7I decided to stay home this morning. Dave went to Bible Study but I wanted to do some things around the house. I got some lawn mowing in – that also helps burn some calories and keep in shape since I use a push mower and usually cover an acre or two. Dave came home, and after doing some things around the house – took me to the dentist. He dropped me off and I went in. That’s when the fun began. Apparently, even though I had not psyched myself out about the procedure – trying not to project any thing negative, reality didn’t cooperate. Apparently – as I’ve noted before – not w/out some serious irony – is that my mouth isn’t big enough for the dentist to do the needed work in. Even w/this special wedge that holds one’s mouth open – mine won’t go past a certain point and so it looked like the work was going to be referred to someone else. Additionally, I have a terrible gag reflex so every time he had to do something, I’d get all queasy. His assistant was able to help me concentrate on breathing so that helped. But Dr. S. found himself saying that this was the most difficult root canal he’d ever encountered. I had to keep asking him to take the wedge out as it really hurt my jaw but then he told me after he started the main work, my mouth would have to stay open for about ½ hour. This is to prevent infection in the open tooth. I almost lost it then. I didn’t know if that would be possible. He did give me more meds to numb the area. Something that would have been helpful to know was that there were amphetamines in the stuff. I started having heart palpitations and thinking I was going to have a heart attack – seriously – no dramatization here. But the assistant said it was from the stuff they gave me.
So finally, Dr. S. decides he’s going to do this and goes at it. I will spare you all the details of what occurred but again – let me safely say that I NEVER want to do that again. If I have to have another root canal – drug me, hit me over the head, tie me up – but I will not be able to walk in on my own accord, willing to go through my mouth feeling like a jackhammer was doing its thing. Dave was there to bring me home and I knew then I would be taking a Vicodin for sure. The doctor had prescribed them for me Tuesday but I was able to get away w/using ibuprofen and Tylenol P.M. for that pain. This time, I wanted the full cavalry coming to the rescue. I also had antibiotics since I did have an infection in my gums and I am going to be sure to finish them up as well. The Vicodin helped but it didn’t actually stop the pain – or put me to sleep. It just kind of dulled my senses (again, no wisecracks). I ate some soup and went to bed around 9. I prayed that the pain would stop before Friday.
FRIDAY – August 8
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to me & Dave. It’s been 10 years since one of the best days of my life. I was feeling ok – but still sore so I took another Vic. A couple of hours later I also ended up taking an allergy pill as my eyes really started to itch & tear. Not a good idea. At 10:00 we headed to Catskill, where we do a Friday morning service for the residents at the Pavilion – an assisted living facility. We got started ok but at about 11:00, my eyes started closing and I was about to head to the land of Winkin’, Blinkin’ and Nod. Not that anyone would have minded. At least 1 or 2 folks nod off during our service but that’s ok. You do what you have to do. Anyway – we’ve been going to the Pavilion for about 8 years and it always does us good to spend time there. The residents are always so gracious and grateful for our time with them – but like so many other things in life – we feel that we benefit as much if not more from our time with them. Plus it gives Dave & me a chance to work together in a setting that works for us. We realized early on that our marriage would be better off if we didn’t try to co-pastor. Not that it would make much sense to in our neck of the woods. Congregations with 25 people don’t really need 2 pastors present. We do services together occasionally and other things so I think we have the best of both worlds. After the service we ran some errands and got home about 2. This didn’t give us much time to get ready to head to Latham (although we didn’t realize we were going to Latham till we got there) where we were going to meet my brother Joe and his family & a cousin I hadn’t yet met. That’s a very long story which I’ll write about elsewhere but it’s a good one. Anyway – we were supposed to meet at the restaurant Carraba’s at 4:30. Joe & Dianne got lost, Dave & I got lost and cousin Leo & his wife Kathy who came all the way down from Glen Falls arrived first and waited for us. We finally made it and had a really great time. P.J. & Leighanne (nephew & niece) were exhausted so they kind of did their own thing while we ate. I got to hear more about my birth family (I was adopted at birth – Joey was supposed to be adopted by my parents Viv & Lew but that never happened) and the evening went well. It was nice to be with other people also celebrating our anniversary.
Dave & I got home about 10 and again, I went to bed almost immediately. I was still feeling really really tired. Not sure what is going on – am I getting sick, do I have something going on?SATURDAY –August 9
Today I had a funeral to do. I got a call from the funeral home on Thursday but didn’t get confirmation re; details until Friday. I also didn’t get to speak with anyone from the family earlier which I don’t like as I like to touch base with someone to talk to them about what they would like for the funeral. I was given the name & number of friends of the family so I did get to speak to someone who was very helpful in terms of who the woman was that this funeral was for. The funeral was at 11 and while I did have time to get there – I got delayed a bit as the car ran out of gas in front of the house. Chose not to discuss that with Dave as I had wanted to go the night before but we thought there was enough to get me to the station in the morning. Turned out – nope. The words from my drill sergeant (1984 – 26th Class, Monmouth County Police Academy) still ring in my ears – BE PREPARED. Check everything before you need it to work. Well, fortunately Dave was able to drive me to Hudson and the funeral went well. I am still so honored when I am asked to enter people’s lives at times like this. It’s never easy whether or not you know the person but people are so grateful that you (the pastor) are there for them. I do want to touch base with Mr. R. before I go back to the tour. He and his wife had no children but it was obvious she will be very much missed by the rest of her family.
After the service- I waited for Dave – and waited and waited and he finally came to get me. He had gone to pick up some lumber for the chicken coop he is making – before he gets to the chicken house – and time kind of passed more quickly than he realized. We got home and then headed over to Nancy & Lisa’s house for a gathering. Dave & I had a really good time hanging out & socializing. I got to catch up w/people from the church (Nancy & Lisa attend Mt. Pleasant – one of the congregations that Dave serves) and Dave did his thing. He also ended up talking with someone who had a great deal to say about the economic situation our country is in and what role the church should be playing. He noted that pastors (in our area at least) do not work together in a united front. He thinks too many of us are moved around too much and don’t’ have a chance to develop trusting relationships with those we serve. He also feels we haven’t invited/challenged the business community enough to work in partnership with the church. This man is retired from his work w/United Way so he knows whereof he speaks. It is a systemic problem that we all have to address. I agree completely and I hope when I get back that I can work with him and others to see what we can do around here. Dave thinks that this is the direction my call is taking me. He sees me as doing liason work in the community – relationship building among different groups to address the issues of poverty – community action. It’s funny because I had been given information about training for community organizing by a professor at seminary (Dr. W. Dennis) and I’ve wanted to take it for the last 4 years. Unfortunately – this program doesn’t have any training centers in our area, it’s residential, and you have to agree to go where they place you when your training is finished. That doesn’t really work for me & Dave but there must be some other option. At the very least – when I get back – I can start working with people anyway, in terms of reaching out, getting a group together – establishing some kind of proposal to take to the business community. We shall see. There are possibilities and I just need to be clear about what I can do and with whom. Saturday night – going to bed – early. Still not feeling really well. I have a sore throat and after the gathering at Nancy’s, Dave took me to get some eye medicine as I seem to be getting a sty. Usually, increasing my dosage of Vitamin B helps but not this week. I was also able to pick up some things I will need for the tour. Someone did respond (thanks Liala) and will be driving me from the airport to Paolos Heights. The only problem is that I can’t change anything about the itinerary so I can’t check any bags on the plane. If I do, it all goes to Grand Rapids so I will have to bring everything on board. This will be fun packing. Creativity better kick in since I will need the sleeping bag, tent, clothes and supplies. Linda W. suggested using those vacuum bags that flatten everything when you suck out the air. Will definitely try that.
SUNDAY – August 10
Up to feed the dog, cats and chickens. And finally catching up on the blog. Didn’t go to church today – still don’t feel well and not sure what to do.
Amazing – the day is almost over and the clock is ticking down toward my return to the tour. I am still not feeling well but hope that this will pass – soon.
Anyway – have had time to do some blog work and hopefully will get some pictures up as well.
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