Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Agatha & Justin on the route to Boise

Hi -
It's Tuesday and I'm able to post some so I'll try to catch up before we have our pelaton meeting.
(Someone - please check the etymology of that word for me). Friday we were in Ontario Oregon and on Saturday morning headed out to Idaho. It was a looooong, hot day.

I was planning on taking my time but Agatha - one of our senior bikers decided she would ride with me. It was nice to spend some time with her as she and another of our bikers had plans to leave on Sunday. A third - Martin had to leave Saturday night from Boise so he headed off as early as possible.

Joel had to leave Sunday to get back home for classes on Monday. He is working on his PhD - in...sorry Joel, it slipped my mind. Agatha (a member of the church Joel attends) will be going to the Netherlands in a week and has to pack. Joel's family gave her a ride home. (Here Agatha & I enter Idaho on our way to Boise).



This was the sun around 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.

Stopping for coffee - anywhere - on the route helps to keep us going.

From Left:
Liz M., Kathryn M., Ad D., Agatha, Not sure who's in the red - Dave (Liz's hubby) & Larry, Dave's Father. Paul is standing behind Agatha & Ad.

Subdivison in the middle of nowhere.
By the time I took this picture - Agatha was long gone (I think it was from the coffee stop) and Larry was ridng w/me to Boise.

Note the greeeeen lawn. There is a lot of lawn watering in these parts. I don't think I have a picture of a golf course but we passed several on this leg of the trip - all with greens as green as this.

NOT the golf courses

This was my sleeping space on Saturday night.
(There are some other pictures from Saturday but this was a highlight). Sometimes, the school personnel forget to turn off the sprinklers for the night and some of the campers get a midnight shower. I might have been spared but this was the one night I decided not to put on the fly (cover) because it was so nice. Until about 12:30 when all of sudden I felt myself getting drenched. I knew immediately what was happening and sort of half shouted - "Oh NO!" A couple of us ended up sleeping in the gear truck as our tents and sleeping bags were drenched. This was Hans' second time around. The next night I figured I'd put the fly on but didn't really think lightening would strike twice as someone said that the sprinklers were timed for every other night. Guess what?!! It happened again. Perhaps I should have moved my tent but where would I know to set up. So, the tent got a bit wet but I remained dry for the ride out Monday.

Joel & Agatha at Julie Davis park where we gathered for Sunday service.

The Band Shell at Julie Davis park in Boise where our Sunday service was held.

1 comment:

Haunted Fox said...

pelaton/peloton: French word, literally, derived from the word for ball (pelota in Spanish!), and is used to describe the main core or body of riders in a cycling race.

Have a great ride today!